Yo! I’m Marybeth Hancher. Because I LOVE that you’re here reading this right now, and I don’t want to scare you off too soon with my long-winded writing, I’m going to do you a favor and let you Choose Your Own Bio™ to read—
I’m a dental hygienist turned mother turned photographer turned illustrator with a passion for sharing Jesus through design (with a mix of many other twists & turns in between). Once upon a time in the weird year of 2020, I bought myself an iPad, learned all things digital art, and here I am today. I began following Jesus in adulthood and have loved worshipping Him through my creativity, and I’ll continue to do so as long as I live. Amen.
Favorite things: Aside from my hunky husband and our beautiful girls, Nadia & Natasha… pink everything, my green piano, a new box of crayons, vanilla lattes, overflowing journals, The Office, Little Women, snickerdoodle cookies, and snuggles with my kitties.
I could tell you that I’m unbelievably in love with my husband of 12 years, and if he didn’t already ask me to marry him on our second date, I would have asked him myself.
I’m sure I would also tell you our love story in detail, not failing to mention how we were married on our 4th date and had a whirlwind of a first year together. Baby included. 😉
I would definitely mention that the best moment of my life happened the day my oldest daughter Nadia entered the world and how my worst was two days later when she went limp & blue and was rushed to the NICU by a team of angelic nurses who I will never be able to thank enough. I would also mention that through the darkness of the night, God held me closer than even my husband could (despite Dana clutching me tightly in my small hospital bed), and I’d share how my faith was renewed and resuscitated back to life every time my miracle baby took a breath.
Maybe I’d even share how she was diagnosed with autism 4 years later and how I didn’t realize what a gift this would be until I set aside my own expectations of what life would be like & began dancing to the music right alongside her.

I would tell you how 7.5 years after giving birth to Nadia, I did it all over again and experienced a second “best moment of my life” when her sister Natasha arrived. I would tell you stories about the glorious first days at home as well as the gut honest truth about postpartum depression and how I came out of it. And then I’d reassure you that we’re all doing just fine.

I believe in the beautiful love of our Triune God who looks at each one of us with adoration and cares deeply for our dearest hearts.
I believe in long + detailed stories, whitty anecdotes, and sharing your life with honesty and vulnerability.
I believe in deep-rooted faith, in asking questions, in seeking answers, and never skipping over the really bizarre parts of the Bible (because more often than not, they’re like missing puzzle pieces you didn’t know you needed.)
I believe in the gift and power of words. Writing them, using them, reading them.
And I believe in creativity. Finding it, using it, sharing it, loving it.