It’s that time of the year where we’re headed back to early mornings, packed lunches, bookbags and homework (although, hopefully not- ha!)… School’s back! For some of us, it’s a little bittersweet. I actually really love having both kiddos home for summer. But it’s time to get back into routine, and thankfully my oldest loves going to school…
and my youngest?

She loves it, too! (Or at least she loved her very first day of preschool at home!)

Homeschooling is new to me and my fam, so this will be a learning experience for all of us. I know there will be hard days– same as having hard days in other schools– but I’m convinced that overall, it will be an absolute joy to teach Natasha and watch her learn right in front of me.
Some have asked why I have chosen to homeschool. There are a few reasons, but the biggest reason is…
why not?

In (almost) 4 years, I’ve discovered that Natasha is basically Little Marybeth Part 2. We are VERY similar in so many ways. And one thing I know about myself is, I don’t do well with traditional methods of learning. Never have. I did well academically growing up, but if I’m being honest, I probably could have done without the social pressures (and interruptions!) that seemed to take up most of my school days. (Or the constant sitting. Or the bright classroom lights and loud noises… ok all of it. I could do without all of it. Ha!) Honest to goodness, I learned after school. I sat at a chalkboard at my house while the rest of my schoolmates were probably watching Rugrats, and I did math problems… not because it was homework or because someone else made me. Cause I wanted to be sure I understood how to do it. Again, cause the traditional classroom was one giant distraction for me. Over and over I practiced and taught myself.
I know I’m not the only one with a less than desirable school experience. I also know that some people have GREAT memories of school, and that’s awesome! Like I said before, Nadia loves her school. It’s amazing and she’s thriving there, so keeping her in the environment that’s best for her is a no brainer. Naturally, I’ll do the same for Tashie. And right now, that place is home. 🙂
Now, for the freebie:
I offered this as a bonus in my new Back 2 Skool Paper collection found on Etsy… but today I used it and wanted to share it with you, too! Nothing to sign up for, no email you need to give me. Just download, print, and keep it as a fun little record for your memories. It’s undated, so you can use this even if school has already begun!

Natasha drew her own picture in the box, but you can also add in the first day of school photo you likely took on your phone. 😉

If you use it, please share with me so I can see! Just tag me on IG– @marybethhancher. Enjoy!
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