I’ve been taking A TON of photos lately. Enough that I feel like I have to narrow them down a bit to even fit in my Project Life album (it’s a 12×12″ size and fits a ridiculous amount of photos, so that’s saying something)… and I even feel like I have to cull them for social media lest I overtake everyone’s feeds and make them sick of me by the end of the week. 😉 But this blog…
It’s mine, so I’ll use it. I thought perhaps I’d try posting my favorites from each month on here, since I’m basically picking up my camera every day now. I look forward to seeing all the photos at the end of the year as well as seeing my creative growth. I highly recommend daily shooting for anyone wanting to learn to use their cameras better. It’s a bit addicting once you start “seeing” everything around you as a potential photograph. I just can’t let the moment pass without capturing it these days. Some might say that’s not living in the present, but for me? It’s living at its finest. (Plus, I get to keep my images as a souvenir.)
That being said, here’s January:
And just in case you’re interested or you missed it, here’s our “The Happy Hanchers” episode from the month. 😉
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